Other Resources
Legal Aid Ontario
If you need assistance in an area of law that is not covered by our Clinic, Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) may be able to help you.
The LAO website at www.legalaid.on.ca provides information on their services. You can also contact LAO’s Client Service Centre toll free at: 1-800-668-8258 and press 0. No coins are required from a payphone and LAO accepts collect calls. This service is offered in 120 languages.
The website also has information on how to access local Legal Aid services that provide assistance with criminal law or family law.
The Law Society Referral Service
Anyone looking for legal advice in a specific area of law may contact the Law Society Referral Service. This is a free service that can connect you with a lawyer or paralegal who can assist in a specific area of law. The website for this service is www.findlegalhelp.ca and the phone number is 1-800-268-8326. This service will provide the name and phone number of a legal professional who may be able to deal with your issue and that will provide up to 30 minutes of free consultation. This service can be found online at LSRS.
The Ontario Legal Information Centre
The Ontario Legal Information Centre (the Centre) offers a free 30-minute meeting with a lawyer to any Ontario resident or any person faced with a legal situation in Ontario.
You can contact the Centre by telephone at 1-844-343-7462 or online at www.centreinfojuridique.ca/en/.
There are no admissibility criteria and questions can involve any field of law. Services are confidential, offered in person or by telephone, in French and in English. A person can visit the Centre more than one time depending on their needs.
Pro Bono Ontario
Pro Bono Ontario has a free legal advice hotline to help with:
- Going to court (civil matters only – no family law or criminal law)
- Employment
- Housing
- Consumer issues, such as consumer debt and consumer protection
- Creating powers of attorney
- Corporate law for charities, non-profits and small businesses
Visit Pro Bono Ontario for more information on their services.